- Groovy Green Living - https://groovygreenliving.com -

When You Drive the Earth Smokes

Groovy Green Livin Earth [1]

My nephew Eliot is a rock star in my book (not that I’m biased or anything). Eliot submitted this cartoon and won the Yahara River Writers Top Ten Award  for his creation (an event sponsored by Greater Dane County TAG Network).

At age 11 he gets it. He understands that vehicle exhaust is the leading source of the earth’s hazardous air pollution. He’s fighting for clean air [2] and he doesn’t even drive yet.

Somehow he knows that children and cars don’t mix well [3]. Something compelled him to draw this cartoon showing that when you drive the earth smokes.

What we’re inhaling from cars and trucks has been linked to asthma, strokes and heart attacks. Toxic air pollution is killing us and it’s killing the earth and will continue to do so unless we make some changes.

Here are a few tips from the Environmental Protection Agency to help reduce air pollution from cars:

And that’s why my nephew rocks.

Any other tips to help reduce air pollution from cars and trucks?

In honor of  not-so Wordless Wednesday I’ve linked up with Better in Bulk [4], Dagmar’s Momsense [5]Live and Love Out Loud, Project Alicia [6],  and I Thought I Knew Mama.