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Get Out and Vote for Your Children’s Health

Get Out and Vote for Your Children's Health Groovy Green Livin

At this point in the election cycle, it’s pretty easy to lose sight of what’s at stake when we head to the polls to vote. Things have gotten ugly and out of hand and there’s so much hatred and animosity. These days it’s hard to imagine a “United States of America” since division and divisiveness are working against us. With November 8th being the official day to vote, we all have a responsibility to ensure that this horrible cycle stops now.

For many of us, Election Day is already here. We have an incredible opportunity in many states to show up at the polls early to vote. Although yesterday was a crazy day, I found some time in the early evening to cast my ballot because so much is at stake.

We haven’t heard much by way of agreement in the months leading up to the election, but there are a few things I think we can ALL agree on: harmful pollution, climate change, and toxic chemicals are putting our families at risk. And these issues are impacting all children, regardless of their family’s political affiliation.

If we care about our children it's time to get out and vote! #CleanAirMomsVote [1]Click To Tweet [1]

As parents, we care about our children and grandchildren and will do anything to protect them. We know that harmful pollution is making our children sick and increasing the threat of climate change. We also know that toxic chemicals don’t belong in any products sold to our families. There’s so much more work needed to ensure that our children are safe.

Get Out and Vote for Your Children's Health Groovy Green Livin

I made a career switch [2] and now work to protect our children by giving them a voice. I’ve asked Procter & Gamble [3] to remove a cancer-causing chemical from their Tide Free & Gentle laundry detergent [4], I’ve marched in Washington DC [5] to ask our Senators to vote for safer products on the shelves in our stores and I started a petition [6] asking Disney to take toxic chemicals out of their princess and Spiderman lunch boxes [7] marketed to children. I work hard to improve transparency when it comes to food, GMOs [8], personal care products, and makeup.

By electing candidates who care about these issues we can give all children a voice and a fighting chance. Here’s why it’s important to vote:

Please join me in pledging to get out and vote for our children’s health on or before November 8th! [9] Take the time to educate yourself on the candidate’s positions and make the right choice. Your children’s future depends on it.

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This post was produced with support from Clean Air Moms Action. All opinions are, of course, my own.