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Reusable Napkins


Photo by storebukkebruse

Here is a simple way to help the environment and save yourself a few pennies: invest in reusable napkins.  The cost is a bit more upfront than your standard package of paper napkins-about $2.00-$3.00 per napkin-but the long-term savings is big. Think of all the paper you are tossing after each meal.  We have 5 people in our family-if we eat just one meal a day at home using paper/disposable napkins we are using 1,825 paper napkins per year.  Our usage was far greater since most meals involved more than one napkin per person-yes, we are messy- and we usually ate at home for at least 2 meals a day. The number of disposable napkins we were using was mind boggling.

The switch to reusable napkins was simple. I found my napkins from various vendors at Etsy [2].  There are all sorts of creative designs and materials available. If you are ambitious and one of those  talented people that can sew-I most definitely am not- try making your own.  Once you have them, use them and throw them in the laundry.  I also use them in lunch boxes-although they don’t always make it home at the end of the day.