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It’s Time to Stop Refrigerating Your Onions

It's Time to Stop Refrigerating Your Onions Groovy Green Livin [1]

We eat a lot of onions during the summer. There’s nothing like a barbecue with grilled Vidalia onions [2] (so simple and so delicious) or caramelized onions [3].

I just learned something new that will free up space in my refrigerator: onions don’t need to be refrigerated. When they are kept in the refrigerator they lose their crispness and become soft.  I’ve also noticed that everything stored in the same refrigerated produce bin with onions starts to acquire their smell and taste.

How to Store Onions

Keeping most onions out of the fridge works, but here are a few caveats:

Also, them away from potatoes. The moisture and air emitted from the potatoes can cause onions to rot.

Here are a few of my favorite onion recipes for you to enjoy over the summer:

What’s your favorite way to eat an onion? Do you like them raw or cooked? 

Cutting onions and crying seems to go hand-in-hand for most of us. HERE [8] are a few tips for keeping those tears at bay when chopping an onion.

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