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How Many Refrigerators are too Many?


Photo used under Creative Commons from Gary and Anna Satler

A Simple Way to Save Some Energy

Did you know that refrigerators and freezers use about a sixth of all electricity in a typical home [2] – that is more electricity than any other single household appliance. Thankfully, over past years refrigerators have become more energy-efficient. Today’s refrigerators use about 60 percent less electricity on average than  pre-1993 models.

Once you opt to buy a new, energy-efficient fridge you have to decide what to do with that old, energy-wasting second refrigerator. National Grid [3] launched a Refrigerator/Freezer Recycling Program in Upstate New York where they will pay customers $30 plus free pickup of old, energy wasting second refrigerators and freezers. This program is not yet available throughout the country, but many local appliance shops have a recycling program in place-you will need to check in with a shop in your area.

Many of us are choosing to hold onto those old fridges and using them in garages or basements. According to the US Department of Energy [4], about 26 percent of homes have a second refrigerator-that’s a pretty big number! Seems like an OK thing to do…….it’s nice to have the extra space for drinks and extra food. But there is a big downside to this.

If you have a pre- 1993 fridge, here are some interesting facts: [5]

Unplugging an old refrigerator or freezer is a simple way to reduce your impact on the environment-it benefits the planet, your wallet and energy conservation efforts.

Do you have a second fridge or freezer?  Are you willing to unplug?