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Holiday Gifts That Keep on Giving


Black Friday, Cyber Monday-the holiday shopping season has officially begun.  Many of us search high and low for the perfect gift.  Studies [2] have found that giving gifts helps define relationships and strengthen bonds with family and friends. Psychologists say it is often the giver, rather than the receiver, who reaps the biggest psychological gains from a gift. [2] No doubt about it-it feels great to give a gift. Regardless of your spiritual practice or religion, there is a common theme during the holidays- place others before yourself. There is no better way to do this than to give gifts to the people you love that benefit people in need.

Need some stocking stuffers, teacher gifts or just plain out of ideas? Here are some unique philanthropy-inspired gifts that keep on giving:

What unique ideas do you have for giving  this holiday season?

More on green giving…..

Green Gifts Don’t Have to Suck [7]

Treehugger Holiday Gift Guide [8]

Green Gifts for Everyone on Your List [9]

My Ten Favorite Etsy Wood Toy Stores [10]