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Healthy Popsicle Recipe

Groovy Green Livin Popsicle [1]

Today was a Popsicle kind of day. The temperature hovered around 90 degrees for most of the day. Here in New England we have officially bypassed spring and jumped right into the heat of summer. I have a feeling it’s going to be a Popsicle kind of summer.

Finding a Healthy Popsicle Mold

Most Popsicle molds are made out of plastic [2] or silicone and I really don’t want plastic touching anything I’m going to eat [3]. Thanks to a review by my friend Beth over at My Plastic Free Life [4] I found a Stainless Steel Popsicle Mold [5].

Groovy Green Livin Popsicle [6]

Healthy Popsicles

Most of the Popsicles found in frozen section of the grocery store are filled with processed sugars or sugar substitutes such as high fructose corn syrup [7] or Aspartame [8]. Artificial sweeteners are known to cause numerous health issues ranging from headaches to cancer. Research also suggests that they can actually cause overeating [9] among consumers. Homemade,  without added sugar are simple to make and they taste amazing.

Groovy Green Livin popsicle [10]

Dairy Free Blueberry Popsicles



Groovy Green Livin Popsicle [12]

Place all ingredients into a blender [13] and puree.  I’ve been using my Blendtec [13] for this and it works really well. Pour the mixture into your stainless steel Popsicle mold and freeze overnight.

They are ready to go! Enjoy.

Do you make your own Popsicles? What’s your favorite flavor?

photo credit: smbuckley23 [14] via photopin [15] cc [16]
photo credit: Sharon Mollerus [17] via photopin [15] cc [16]

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