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Best Green Gift Guides 2011

Green Tree [1]

My picks for green gift guides 2011

There were so many fabulous green gift guides circulating this year that I didn’t have to create my own (good excuse, eh?).  There were a few that stood out and are worthy of sharing:

I’m sure I missed other green gift guides that deserve attention. Please feel free to link up in the comment section.

thank you [6]If you are still looking for green, eco-friendly gifts please visit the supporters of Groovy Green Livin. They help to make it all happen.

Ready to Wrap

If you are ready to wrap all those gifts head on over to the J.R. Watkins Naturals Clear Conscience Blog for a few eco-friendly alternatives to gift wrap. One of my favorites is to use all of those paintings and drawing from your children as unique and special wrapping paper.

Remember to take some time for yourself during this hectic time of year. Any suggestions? Enjoy!

[Photo used under Creative Commons from D. Sharon Pruitt [11] and Vistamommy [12]/Flickr]