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A Mother’s Day Gift to My Boys

child playing [1]

Each Mother’s Day I celebrate my three boys, since without them I couldn’t wear my treasured “mother” hat.  Creating our family didn’t come easily.  We were forced, as many are, to place a tremendous amount of thought into whether or not we wanted to bring children into this world. Infertility will do that to you.  We made a conscious decision to start a family and found our way through both adoption and natural childbirth.

Now here we are-10, 9 and 7 years later-in a world which my boys will soon inherit along with some shocking statistics: childhood cancers have increased 9.4% between 1992 and 2007 and are continuing to rise [2]. Our world is filled with toxins, chemicals and other poisons that are making our children sick.

It is implausible to imagine saddling our children with the world as it presently exists. They deserve a world where they can play freely, without the worries past and present generations have created.

Mother’s Day was originally created by women who wanted to use their status as mothers to protest injustice. As mothers and parents we are filled with an innate passion and conviction to protect our children from injustice. And we know in our hearts that we CAN effect change.

The only gift that I want for Mother’s Day is change. Change in the mentality of many and the actions of most. The world is no longer safe for our children and something can and must be done.

On this Mother’s Day it is my hope that my children grow up in a world where ……

Organic food will become the market norm not the exception. Our children are entitled to a world filled with pure, non-GMO food that hasn’t been treated with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Or in the case of meat –the animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products haven’t taken antibiotics or growth hormones.

The Safe Chemicals Act of 2011 will pass. New legislation was recently introduced that would allow products to be tested for toxic chemicals BEFORE they are placed on the shelves of our stores.  This legislation will hold companies accountable for the safety of their products. It’s about time!

Artificial food dyes will be removed from our food in Americajust as they’ve been removed from food in other countries. [2]

BPA will no longer be a buzz word –because it won’t exist.

My boys are starting to understand the complexities of our world, but they are too young to have a voice-or a voice that will be heard and make an impact. As parents it is our job to advocate for our children and protect them from injustice. This Mother’s Day I promise to my children and all children to be a voice among many stepping up to the plate to make the world a better place for us all.


[Photo used under Creative Commons from P. Sharon Pruitt/Flickr]