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6 Healthy Additions to a Smoothie

6 Healthy Additions to a Smoothie Groovy Green Livin [1]

Smoothies are a staple in our home. We love them for breakfast or as an after school snack. There are endless possibilities for healthy add-ins. Sometimes my kids have no idea what’s inside their smoothie, but they do know that it tastes great.

Here are six healthy additions to any smoothie to help you make the most delicious and nutritious smoothies year round

Chia Seeds

Add a sprinkle of chia seeds [2] to your smoothie and you’re guaranteed a powerful dose of nutrition. Chia seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids-even more so than flax seeds and salmon.They are also rich in antioxidants. One serving size includes 18 percent of recommended daily calcium [3] and four grams of protein. They’re low in cholesterol and sodium and they’re packed with fiber [4], calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, iron,  niacin, and zinc. WOW.


There’s some truth to Popeye’s spinach eating philosophy [5]. Here’s what one cup of spinach [6]is packed with:

Don’t add too much spinach to your smoothie or it will turn a lovely shade of brown.


Fresh ginger is a great addition to any smoothie. Ginger has been known to reduce pain and inflammation, stimulate circulation and inhibit rhinovirus, which can cause the common cold. Ginger can also do wonders for intestinal issues such as diarrhea, gas and stomach ulcers.

Try adding about a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger per serving of smoothie.


In a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine [7], researchers found people who ate a daily handful of nuts [8]were 20 percent less likely to die from heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses over a 30-year period than were those who didn’t. Adding a handful of nuts to your smoothie is simple. I generally add almond milk or almond meal.


Matcha (powdered tea) tea [9] is the dried leaves of  green tea ground into a powder.  Add the powder directly to your smoothie to give it a nutritional boost.

The list of health benefits is long including  [10] providing many minerals and vitamins. It can also protect against many kinds of cancer and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Goji Berries

Goji berries are a perfect addition to any smoothie. A bit bitter tasting on their own, when mixed with other flavors the taste is delicious. Packed with antioxidants, goji berries provide immune-boosting and vision-protecting properties.

What’s your favorite healthy addition to a smoothie?


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